Kansas Deer Baiting Laws & Regulations

Summary of Kansas Deer Baiting Regulations

It is legal to bait deer on private lands. It is not legal to bait while hunting or preparing to hunt on department or WIHA lands.

Baiting while hunting or preparing to hunt is illegal on public lands.

Detailed Regulations

No person shall place, deposit, expose, or scatter bait on department lands or place, deposit, expose, or scatter bait in a manner that causes another person to be in violation of this regulation.

  1. This regulation shall include those areas designated by the agency as Walk-in Hunting Areas (WIHA) and Integrated Walk-in Hunting Areas (iWIHA).
  2. This shall not apply to licensed furharvesters as permitted in K.A.R. 115-5-1.

Nothing in this regulation shall prohibit the hunting or taking of wildlife over any of the following:

  • standing crops, grain or crop residue following harvest, or flooded standing crops, including aquatic crops;
  • standing, flooded, or manipulated natural vegetation;
  • flooded harvested croplands;
  • lands or areas where seeds or grains have been scattered solely as the result of normal agricultural planting, harvesting, postharvest manipulation, or soil stabilization practice; or
  • standing or flooded standing agricultural crops over which grain is inadvertently scattered solely as a result of a hunter entering or exiting a hunting area, placing decoys, or retrieving downed wildlife.

The taking of wildlife, except migratory waterfowl, coots, and cranes, on or over any lands or areas meeting the following conditions shall not be prohibited:

  • are not otherwise baited; and
  • have grain or other feed that has been distributed or scattered solely as the result of manipulation of an agricultural crop or other feed on the land where grown, scattered solely as the result of normal agricultural operations, or scattered solely as the result of normal weather conditions.
  • for the purposes of this regulation, "bait" shall mean any grain, fruit, vegetable, nut, hay, salt, sorghum, feed, other food, or mineral that is capable of attracting wildlife. Liquid scents and sprays shall not be considered bait.


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